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Join ASL-Mogador

The restoration of the synagogue Slat Lkahal in Mogador is the main goal of the ASL-Mogador Association, and also ultimately the means to establish the legitimate standing of the Jewish cultural heritage in the history of this unique city, Mogador, a jewish city in a Muslim land, that was elevated by Jewish Traders to the title of “Port of Timboctou” to the Occident.

It is also the means to tell the story of a jewish and muslim cohabitation in harmony, respect, and deep friendship ties, so relevant to contemporary history, and an important legacy to future generations.

In this respect, the scope of this project reaches out to the universal human history.
Take part to this action by becoming an active or supporting member of the ASL-Mogador Association.

 The association ASL MOGADOR has gained the support of UNESCO in May 2012 for the project of restoration and preservation of the synagogue Slat Lkahal, Jewish heritage of Mogador.

Fill your Membership request below, and e-mail it to us together with the membership fee you choose to

Your membership benefits::
-The right to vote and to be elected to the Board of Directors.
-Access to the by-laws, to the financial and administrative reports on the Facebook groupe site ASL Mogador.
-Active involvement in the choice and presentation of the subjects displayed in the museum Slat Lkahal.
-Your name in the appropriate list of Honored Donors.
-The dedication in the memory of a dear ancestor, of an area or a furnishing of the synagogue and museum, such as
the Main Prayer Hall, any part of the museum, the Heikhal (Ark), the Teba-Bima (Pulpit), or the Ner-Neshama
glass “Kas’. (Please see all details in « Dedicate to their memory » hereafter

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