Un mot du Président / A word from the President
It started with the heart feeling concern of two Mogadoriens who left their beloved city decades ago during the total exodus of the Jewish population in the sixties ,soon grew up into a grass roots movement of several Mogadoriens from around the world, then gained momentum thanks to the support of the local authority, and was warmly welcomed by the Muslim neighbors. >>MoreRejoindre l’ASL Mogador / Join ASL Mogador
Qui sommes-nous / About Us
ASL-Mogador is a non profit Organization with the goal of restoring and preserving the Synagogue “Slat Lkahal”, a Jewish Heritage in Mogador (Essaouira).
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Do you wish to actively participate, ask a question, or make a donation? >>Contact UsDonation pour la renovation de la synagogue Slat Lkahal